
Ms. Legg – Grades 2-3
Classroom Information

Classroom Description

My goal is to provide our students with an innovative and engaging education this year. I work closely together with 3rd Grade teachers, Miss Lima and Mr. Merrick, to ensure student cooperation and inclusion whenever possible. Our team meets and communicates regularly to plan, assess, evaluate, and brainstorm lessons and activities. We share common goals, and are very excited to be working collaboratively this year.

Weekly Class Schedule

Behavior Expectations & Social Emotional Growth Development

To ensure a smooth and dynamic school experience, we expect ALL of our students to do the following:

• Follow all school and class norms for safety, respect, and responsibility
• Keep spiral notebooks and folders neat and well organized
• Arrive on time every day with a positive, respectful, and productive attitude
• Try his/her best
• Take risks
• Embrace failure as a part of learning
• Practice collaboration with peers and teachers
• Participate actively and practice what is learned in class

Homework Philosophy

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned a couple of times a week. Reading however, must be done DAILY.

Each Monday, students will receive a reading response packet that will be due on Friday. Please read with your child or have them read to you and answer a reading response question (if your child is unable to write independently, please write down their thoughts and answers).

In our opinion and teaching experience, second/third graders who read for at least 20 minutes daily will be better prepared for the upper grades.

Homework Assignments

Important papers will go home with students on a regular basis. Please, check in with your child daily about this, and sign and return any important papers. Also, please, sign and return any assessments that go home. This is to help ensure that we are on the same page about your child’s progress in school.

NOTE: Every student has a homework folder. Please check their homework folder daily.

Recommended Links

Opening Letter