
In case of an emergency, please follow these guidelines.

Contacting Walgrove Elementary

  • It may be difficult to reach the school by phone during an emergency. Please only call the school if absolutely necessary.
  • 310-391-7104
  • Dr. K’s Cell: 323-363-1934

Getting to Walgrove Elementary

  • Our address is 1630 Walgrove Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066
  • We are located on Walgrove Ave between Rose Ave and Venice Blvd. 
  • Walgrove Ave runs north/south, between Lincoln Blvd and Centinela Blvd.
  • Public transportation: Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus Route 16 stops in front of the school
  • Public transportation: The LA Metro bus route 33 travels down Venice Blvd and stops at Walgrove Ave. The school is a 0.7-mile walk from the intersection of Walgrove and Venice.

Student reunification – Follow these directions to pick up students during or after an emergency. Parents/caregivers MUST show a valid ID to pick up their student(s).

When students are assembled in the schoolyard

  1. Proceed to the REQUEST GATE located on Morningside Way.
  2. Show identification to staff. In order to check out a student, a parent/caregiver must be on the list and have a valid ID.
  3. Receive a REUNIFICATION CARD from the staff who checks the ID and reconciles it with the list of approved adults.
  4. Take your reunification card to the REUNION GATE located on Maplewood near Appleton Way.
  5. Your student will be escorted through the schoolyard to the REUNION GATE.
  6. Staff member(s) stationed at REUNION GATE will record and maintain a list of students released to parent/caregiver, per district guidelines. (THIS REDUNDANCY IS TO ENSURE SAFETY.)
  7. All foot and car traffic will move in one direction around the school, from Walgrove to Morningside to Maplewood to Appleton.

In the event of an emergency that requires indoor assembly

  1. Proceed to the AUDITORIUM located on Walgrove and check in at the front desk.
  2. Show identification to staff. In order to check out a student, a parent/caregiver must be on the list and have a valid ID.
  3. Staff member(s) will release student(s) to their parent/caregiver.
  4. Parents/caregivers will exit with their student(s), who will already be in the auditorium.

emergency map