Friends of Walgrove Elementary uses FreshSchools for our school directory, communications, fundraising, and other functions.
FreshSchools is a PRIVATE network for Walgrove Elementary Parents, Teachers, and Administrators. Itβs a paperless and efficient way to get communications from Walgrove Elementary.
FreshSchools Gives You:
- Weekly School Emails β stay informed on the latest goings on at Walgrove Elementary!
- School and Classroom Directories β easily contact teachers, administration, and other parents!
- Fundraising and Volunteer Organizing β stay connected to opportunities to support Walgrove!
Privacy & Security
- FreshSchools is a PRIVATE network for Walgrove Elementary Parents, Teachers, and Administrators.
- FreshSchools and Friends of Walgrove will NEVER share or sell your information with any 3rd party.
- YOU decide what info is made available to the Walgrove Elementary community on FreshSchools.
FOW Directory Release Form (Fillable) (email completed forms to