
Callbacks for Wizard of Oz will take place in the Auditorium on Tuesday 12/3 from 1:32pm-4pm and Thursday 12/5 from 2:32pm-4:30pm. Everyone should be prepared to stay for the whole session.



Please click the following links for: what to prepare, character breakdown, song tracks and the audition monologues.



In order to have a successful journey to Oz, we will need lots of kids working in our Ensemble. These roles will involve support singing and acting but do not require an audition. They include the Munchkins, the Ozians, the Winged Monkeys, the Jitterbugs, the Winkies and more. The directing team will organize those groups as our number of participants becomes clear. If this is more your kiddo’s speed, be sure to fill out this interest form if you haven’t already, and in the last field, indicate that they are interested in Ensemble so we can keep you looped in.


Do you have a child who’s not big on being onstage, but interested in building and moving sets, learning how to run lights, and other behind-the-scenes roles? Please be sure to fill this form out for them as well so we can fold them into the rehearsal process.

Most of the crew’s initial involvement will be building sets and making props and that will likely not happen during rehearsal times, but during other scheduled meetups. Eventually we will bring them into rehearsals to move sets and possibly learn lights and things but that will come much later. If you have a kiddo who is expressing interest, please help them understand this ahead of time. They are also welcome to also sign up for an ensemble role or audition for a bigger part with the understanding that when it’s time to add those tech elements in, we can also utilize them in some capacity whether it be for alternate show dates or in character during their own show. More will reveal itself as we move through the process. **PLEASE NOTE: Only 5th graders will have the option to be crew-only. Any other interested student will be required to participate in the Ensemble as well.**

PARENTS: If you are handy, crafty, have an eye for design and/or otherwise have a creative itch to scratch, please join our village. After auditions, we’ll share an interest form with you as we form our crews. This will also include limited spots to help supervise during rehearsals (must be a registered volunteer to qualify).


Rehearsals will take place January – May after school during the week, mainly Mondays and Thursdays (a comprehensive schedule will be released shortly after the cast list is posted). Occasional Saturday rehearsals will be scheduled as needed. Weekend availability will not impact casting.


May 15-18 (school shows during the preceding Mon-Wed). Please confirm your availability for the ENTIRE week before committing to a role in the show.

Be sure to join the Walgrove Wizard of Oz WhatsApp thread to stay most up-to-date.


  • Thursday, November 7: Interest Meetings in the auditorium during lunch recess
  • Tuesday, November 19: Auditions after school, Library
  • Thursday, November 21: Auditions after school, Library
  • November 25-29: THANKSGIVING BREAK
  • December 3 & 5: Callbacks (kiddos who have choir on Tuesday will be called on Thursday)
  • Week of December 8: Cast List posted before we leave for Holiday Break
  • December 16 – January 3: HOLIDAY BREAK
  • Week of January 13: rehearsals begin
  • April 14-18: SPRING BREAK
  • May 15-18: Walgrove presents The Wizard of Oz!